Put your smile on!

Here i am again. Trying to put down some words that qualifies as an update worth posting. That hasn't been my strength lately.. ;) But today i fixed a little on my twitter! Made one years ago to get a discount on a website. Got a feeling i'll be using it more in a near future ;)

But now i need to get me ready for tonight! Church at 7, and i need to bake some first :)
Everyone's welcome there btw :)

L o v e

and so....

i hope you don't mind.

i need to break a little, every now and then.

Time flies by. It's friday night, can't believe it has gone a whole week already.
Lately i've got words but none of worth. They're all empty and only take up space.
Gonna take a shower and then get my nails done real quick. Tomorrow a 12 hour work day awaits.
Time flies by. It's friday night, can't believe it has gone a whole week already.
Lately i've got words but none of worth. They're all empty and only take up space.
Gonna take a shower and then get my nails done real quick. Tomorrow a 12 hour work day awaits.
I think i found one missing piece, but still time is the answer.

Good morning friends!

This day, is the first day of the rest of my life. And i am pumped! I'm gonna cut my nails and play guitar again today. Finally. It has been way too long since last, but it's never to late!

I just have to say that i am thankful for the people God puts in my life. Friends with words of wisdom and encouragement. Many times those are the things that keeps you straight on track.

Am just about to order some new CD's.. about time that too :)

Well, now i'll grab me some breakfast :)

Keep on shining today!

(sometimes it just doesn't make sense.)

Today has been.. there's not even words for it. Just an ordinary day but with those unexpected twists and turns, unplesant surprises and disapointments. Life is changing, for sure, and i cross my fingers that it's to the better. But for now i'm getting sick of a lot of it. It's like you've got all the answers, right there in your hand. The tricky part is to actually use them. In some cases it's practicly impossible.

(..and to tell you a secret, sometimes things are not even suppose to make sense.)

Guten Tag !


A little update from this day. I slept until around 1, didn't feel to good in the morning because of the cold that won't go away. Anyway my package from Nelly.com came today so i opened it straight away and tried the eyeshadow pencil - loved it! And i really liked the beach bag and the underwear too. So it was a good buy ;) Am gonna try the mascara tomorrow. Bought MaxFactor Falsh Lash Effect, like i always do, but this time i wanted to try the one that's waterproof. So i'll let you know what i thought about it ;)


After dinner i asked bro to help me out a bit with the blog.. so i got rid of some annoying stuff AND he figured out a way to manually make the spaces that the site takes away, so that's good. Cool to have a bro that always know stuff ;)


Other than that the day was filled with laughter, bad jokes and a good talk with my awesome boyfriend. He is so amazing - blows my mind, all day, everyday. Im thankful for him! Im so blessed :) And i can't wait for him to come here!!! SOON! 10 days from now he is here, for real :D


Well i really need to get some sleep. Am getting up in like 5 hours to get ready and go with Sanna to get the car inspected (sounds weird in english ;) ) Then catch some sun and after that go to Piteå and do a little of everything :) Am gonna look for some new CD's at Duvan - yay!


Well, sweet dreams my friends <3


Tävla om en årsförbrukning av trosor på Lindex!
Superenkelt och snabbt :) 
Svaren är: Narciso Rodriguez och The Fantastic Panties

(Sofie, vi har redan tävlat dej.. ;) )

Happy Birthday Bro!

Yesterday yes. But today he's having a 'birthday party' for some relatives so HAPPY BIRTHDAY again bro! :D I should get going with some cleaning and maybe a bit baking before we go to Piteå. The sofa we bought for church arrived yesterday! So we're gonna pick it up and some other stuff as well :) Things are happening now, yay :)
Another update from this morning is my superherowomanness again.. there was a gross spider and a bug in the bathroom and i killed them myself - do i hear any applause? ;)
Today it's only 12 days till Ryan comes :) It's getting super close! Can't wait to have my babe again :D
See ya!

Good Morning!

Woke up around 4 and couldn't stop coughing, lovely! But at least i had got an email from Nelly.com with the password for the hidden summer sale! Wasn't really anything nice there tho.. but am getting me some underwear and make up. Am finally buying that eyeshadow pencil :) But now it's time for a little breakfast before work and the breakfast there ;D
Password to the sale (in case you didn't got it uself (; )   : Summer2010
Shine on peeps!

Just a little one before i go..

Five and a half hour til i'm getting up for work. Slept until around 3 in the afternoon today.. so i'm not tired yet.. :)
I've been really good today. Feels great :) And i got some more energy, finally! Feels like i'm heading into a creative season again. Long time no see creativity, welcome back. This morning when i woke up i had a picture of a really beautiful dress in my head. Just wish i wasn't so lazy.. cause i've got so many ideas for prettyness ;) Should get me a sketchbook first maybe :)
Have been editing pictures in photoshop these two last days. Love it, and learn new things meanwhile doing it :)
Here's a picture of me and Evelina! We're simply awesome ;)
Five hours til i'm getting up for work. Slept until around 3 in the afternoon today.. so i'm not tired yet.. :)
I've been really good today. Feels great :) And i got some more energy, finally! Feels like i'm heading into a creative season again. Long time no see creativity, welcome back. This morning when i woke up i had a picture of a really beautiful dress in my head. Just wish i wasn't so lazy.. cause i've got so many ideas for prettyness ;) Should get me a sketchbook first maybe :)
Have been editing pictures in photoshop these two last days. Love it, and learn new things meanwhile doing it :)
Here's a picture of me and Evelina! We're simply awesome ;)
In exactly two weeks from now i'm hanging out with my Ry here in sweedland.. SWEET!!
I miss him a lot, probably a bit too much.. but that's life.. :)
Sleep tight homies ;-*

(and as usual it doesn't save the spaces..therefore it looks wierd! )

Swedish Summer

Right now im sitting on my bed, listening to music, editing some pics in photoshop, working on a job application, reading about teeth whitening and waiting for the laundry to get ready. It's really windy today again, perfect for a laundry day! Just wishing my constant headache and weird throat thing could go away.. but you can't have it all, right? ;) Well im gonna get back to cleaning the house now, can't wait til it's all done!

Here's a pic of my Ryguy, he has the most beautiful eyes ever made ;) <3

one little night thought.

actually don't have anything to say. just have this numb feeling.
i long for something i don't know.

break me and make me new.

much to do, but where's time to find?

Just saved some chords to a few songs. Exciting! So my plans for the day are following - print the songs, take a shower, go to church and practise the songs and try to take some pictures upside down with my weirdo camera..

Lately i've been thinking a lot.. about people. I love people. I really do. But i don't get them. Not at all sometimes. Humans are really complicated, but at the same time so simple. But what i've noticed lately is how cold people are. Cold and hard. Selfish. Everywhere you go you will find "those" ones. And i've even noticed that people that used to be open, warm and loving - nowadays changed. "Where is the love?" - to quote Black Eyed Peas. We need love. We need to be loved, feel loved and to love on others. So many of us goes around waiting for love. To be loved, instead of to love. But they've got it wrong. It all starts with you. Yes, You.

Love Others = You.

Frost damaged heart from the autum of 2007.


Started to change my blog design.. a never ending story.. :)
Off to see Ryguy now!
Much Love

A coffee stain on my white sock..

.. and you peeps that knows me, you know what that means! ;) I've got some serious washing to do!

Monday today.. it's been a typical day at work, so nothing exciting to tell. The only fun thing that happend was that Sara bought me an ice cream! She's such a sweetheart ;) I have two more days at work before i've got four days off! It's gonna be soo good, cause im gonna sleep a whole lot! And probably spend one night in luleå with mom and Sanna. Look for sofas and flowers for church. Walpurgis Night (this friday), we have a funeral at church. Mom, Sanna, me and maybe dad will help out at that one. Help out being waitresses and likely.
And tomorrow it's one week until i'll be 21. Nothing special at all. But good though, cause then im old enough to go wherever with my babes, in the states :) Two thumbs up for that one (Y)(Y)
Dinner in a few, then i'll take a loooong shower, read some in the book im reading now "Pastoral care at the kitchen table" - or something like that.. ;) - until my man comes online!


Have a great day everyone!


Ps. I know my english sucks sometimes, i laugh myself when i read it afterwards ;)
AND it looks wierd cause it refuses to save the spaces..

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